Saturday, March 3, 2012

I applaud the Real Americans in California that are trying to save their state and realizing that "pleasing everybody" is an impossibilty.|||You make a good point. As you can see, California is bankrupt. I don't understand why Americans don't think that's possible on a larger scale.|||and Detroit, and Baltimore, and DC, etc etc etc. Oh, and Haiti also.|||It's clear to everyone but the moonbats. They are probably sitting in coffee shops right now still blaming Bush for all their problems.|||California has the least poverty. Yes it has high taxes but it has less poverty then a state like Texas or Alabama that have lower taxes.

Poverty=Bad|||California is the poster child for "why you don't want liberals running the joint".|||You forget that the Governor of CA is a very Republican Arnold.

Again, proof that cons disregard facts to spew their own mindless crap, and former actors like Arnold and Reagan make for terrible politicians.|||California needs jobs period! It's California's main problem.

Btw, Why do we allow the importation of goods not manufactured under the same labor and environmental regulations that we have? How can we effectively compete otherwise?

Trading with China is reminiscent of our own revolutionary war where the British had to fight by rules of engagement by marching in a straight line while wearing bright red uniforms. The Americans, by contrast, wore buck skin clothes that blended into the environment and shot from behind trees and rocks. We all know the end result of that unleveled playing field.

The bottom line is that America must level the business playing field by bring other nations up to our labor and environmental standards and I feel our labor unions should lead the charge. If other nations refuse then we鈥檒l make those goods right here in America by American labor.|||No it's proof that the banks screwed the entire country.|||liberals are lost.|||I think California is proof that not raising real estate taxes is an economic disaster waiting to happen. Last I heard, keeping taxes permanently low is not a liberal idea. Nor is it a particularly good one.|||wish i lived there, more legal pot shops than convenience stores|||I do not live in California - but it seems to me CA did pretty good until they elected a Republican gov. That is when things started to fall apart it seems .|||Ask Arnold|||Liberal ideas and "values" don't ever work. period.|||Did you forget about the Republican governor?|||Glad I escaped CA just in time. They've become a government of the idiots, by the idiots, for the idiots. Anybody with half a brain and a paycheck has left.|||Liberal ideas never work and the fact that CA is bankrupt, thanks to the assholes in Sacramento, is proof that unions will destroy the economy.


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