Saturday, March 3, 2012

I live in Wisconsin and taxes are being passed daily. And unemployment is going through the roof because business are moving out to more tax friendly areas. Is that happening in California?|||Yes!

Politicians are worse than regular people when it comes to money. They give a bunch of it away in order to get elected, then blame someone else for the deficit. And they don't care because it's not their money.

The sad thing, more of the rich are leaving California, leaving it up to regular people to pay taxes, and they don't make enough.|||California is broke! they are victims of overspending, liberalism, and the unrealistic environmentalist. To many krazies like the hollywood crowd, strisands, woopi's, barabra boxers and pelosi's and waxmans, Look at these people that represents the people of california, may be everyone would be better of if the state was returned to Mexico. You know that it occasionally loses paarts in to the ocean .. maybe God is telling us something|||All those things are happening in California.

California is about to run out of money and many government services will have to be suspended. The governor has said no more taxes (the state eaised taxes considerably just a few months ago) and no new borrowings (additional borrowings, if available, will only defer the day of reckoning). Governor Schwartzenegger said the only way out is to cut spending.

California is showing us what will happen to the United States if we don't reduce our wild spending.

The PGA says of its members, "Those guys are Good!" Many of us say of our elected officials, "Those guys are stupid!" And, Barney, you're one of the leaders of the pack.|||Cali has too many people, that is why the rent is like 2,000 a month for a 2 bedroom apartment.

And the high rent forces up prices in every other area, esp. healthcare.

It is the healthcare costs that are bankrupting the state and will soon bankrupt the usa.|||Yep, the communist power hungry legislators keep on doing whatever they want and the idiotic liberals keep on passing them.

Republican in California.|||California is broke because of the housing crisis.|||California is going under because of democrat policies.|||yes


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