Friday, March 9, 2012

Has the California state budget been revised to allow more money for teachers' salaries and to hault budget cuts for the education system? Surely education of children is more important than bailing our homeowners who were too "uneducated" to read their mortgages?|||I hope not. It is time to stop the greedy leftist teachers and their union. They are failing our students anyway. Give the teachers an F and expel them from school.|||I live in SC. No, the budget has not been revised as of yet. There are tremendous cuts in teacher's pay as well as the quality of education for our children. The class size reduction act is currently suspended in many districts which means there will be larger classes with less help for the teachers. Surely education IS more important, but unfortunately, any time there is a budget crisis what happens is that they take the money from those who cannot speak for themselves in protest - the children! It is up to the parents to protest this and make a change. I've written my elected officials - have you?????|||Thank the greedy Liberal infested teachers unions for spending money everywhere EXCEPT where it needs to be spent. They are useless to the teachers. All they care about is getting more money year after year, and California will give it to them.
California is also drowning in illegal immigrant benefit costs, along with the resultant school over crowding....higher taxes to help cover that are on the way.
California is nothing more than a comedy of errors on the government side.
We need a real Republican government to get things back to some kind of fiscal normalcy here.
Diversity only gets us exactly what we have now.|||California's problems related to educating droves of anchor babies begot by illegal aliens, droves so large that the state needs to build one school a day, illegal aliens who are not paying the taxes which support the educational system is probably the very last thing on my list of concerns.

I do have a suggestion though, how about a tortilla tax?


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