Friday, March 9, 2012

I heard rumor that the California provisional driver's license curfew for minors has been changed from starting at 11pm to starting from 12am. ALSO, I heard that the time limit that you can legally drive with other minors after getting your license at 16 has been changed from one year to 6 months. Can anyone confirm or refute these rumors for me?|||Prior to 2005, you could legally drive until 12 midnight and the passenger restriction was for a term of six months. If you ask your friends a couple years older than you, then they will tell you just this. Since that time, our lawmakers have extended these restrictions to 11 a.m. and one year. Also the passenger limits regarding minors includes all teenagers, even those that have reached the age of majority. Please see California Vehicle Code section 12814.6, subdivision (b), paragraph (1).

*/End of Line.|||i dont know about the 12am thing but i know for sure that it is 6 months. i just got my license so yea


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