Tuesday, March 6, 2012

in another words what are california's current and the future plan for the water desalination, and why is it needed in california? im doing a project and i need help. my destination is the Carlsbad water desalination plant. if anyone could help me find a link or something about this subject it will be helpful for me.
and i will be thankful|||The Carlsbad facility will be both the first desalination plant on the US West Coast, and the largest desalination plant in the entire western hemisphere. The problem with all of these reverse osmosis systems is that they require massive amounts of electricity. For instance, the facility in Tampa has its own dedicated coal-fired electrical generation plant immediately adjacent.|||ok so you have the plant, and it looks like someone gave u the link already... so, i will answer the other parts...
you need to have a plan because we are surely going to use up all of our fresh water with the way humans are reproducing. people think that rain is "free and new" water, but its just recycled water, and the more we let insecticides and bleaches etc leak into the fresh water, the more it gets unable for us to use. plus, we put tons of chlorine in the water to keep it safe for us to drink. so, we are making our fresh water "unusable" and we waste tons of water in long showers, brushing our teeth, washing our cars and dogs...etc etc. WE ARE LLLLOOOWW on FRESH water, and nobody knows this.
also... water that we get from places like the colorado river isn't always going to be there, it will soon dry up. have you heard of the salt beds in california? ive seen them... its dried up water... we desparatly need water. Also... the Los Angeles aquaducts have dried up entire lake beds supporting our fresh water needs!! you can use that in your report... im sure you can google that.

it costs a lot to desalinate water. desalination takes a lot of energy, the energy put into taking the salt out, makes us lose profit because water is too cheap- so we would have to hike up the price.( like gas!!) and.. one more thing... we would have sooo much salt left over after doing so, that we would have nowhere to store it... and we already have enough salt to go around the world... we wouldn't need it for eating... there are alot of problems with this. we need to be careful on how much water we use.

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