Monday, February 6, 2012

Bedbugs are found in my apartment in San Diego, I am asking what is the California law about bedbug treatment responsibility? Do I need to pay for the treatment if it is hard to tell who bring the bedbugs in my apartment?|||You had access. It will be assumed you did. The landlord doesn't have near the same access. No law specifically, just the probably cause.|||Obviously, LOve has never been bitten by a bedbug!!!! I got mine when I bought a brand new mattress set - within three days, I started to get bitten. Didn't understand why or how at first, until I tore all the sheets off the mattress. It was obvious by the extent of the infestation, the bedbugs had established themselves long before I received the set. Solution - YES, you MUST get treatment. Wash everything that can be washed, and bag it! Check your furniture, it only takes a hop, skip and a jump for the little pest to invade everything. Basewoods, any dark place in your home. Call the exterminator, and IF you have just brought some furniture like I did, call the Store!!! They will probaly give you a hassle, but stick to your guns - they paid me for the two treatments I had to have, the removal of the mattress set, a replacement, the Vet bills for my cat, the furniture I had to throw out, the clothes I couldn't wash, and pain and suffering, and the very expensive Exterminator's Bill! And believe me, I am allergic to house flies, THESE little brutes - the bedbugs, did a real number on me. Years later, I still have the scars from their bites. Also, very important, call the landlord and the Health Department! Did you know, you can also bring bedbugs into your home by just being in contact with someone on the outside who HAS them already? Something else, people just don't think about. Staying in a hotel, motel or someone elses home, the best way to check for the bugs, is behind the headboard, the mattress itself, and yes, I know I sound paranoid, but once bitten, twice shy! New York is infestated with the creatures, as is Baltimore The city I live in now, they closed down a hotal just a few weeks ago!. It has all been reported on the news, so I am NOT making it up! If you buy anything new, check it out before you take it into your home!|||Move

I read numerous horror stories about bugs in apartments around the city, when I was thinking about moving there, this year.|||Your problem, you fix

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