Friday, February 3, 2012

I only know these animals that hunt California Condors, but these animals only hunt California Condor Chicks. Although I have no idea how California Condors defend themselves.

1. Ravens break condor eggs when they can and eat them.

2. Golden eagles and coyotes watch for a chance to snatch condor chicks as the young birds explore their surroundings.|||It is rare for any predator to hunt condors. They defend themselves by flying away. They don't perch where they can be hunted.|||Actually the main defense of the Condor against any animal attacking it is to vomit at the attacker.

Think about it.

The same defense is used by vultures. Carrion eating birds will first spread their wings to appear larger, if that doesn't work, they puke. They can't find carrion in trees.

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|||Well i don't know if it counts but humans hunted for the birds, one of the reasons they became endangered. i think that counts.

The California Condor has a long life span, reaching up to 50 years. If it survives to adulthood, the condor has few natural threats other than humans.

It is a bird of prey.

They can usually intimidate other scavengers away from the carcass, with the exception of bears, which will ignore them, and Golden Eagles, which will fight a condor over a kill or a carcass

here are some defenses of the bird not necessarily from predators but for survial, since it as few predators in nature...

One way of defense is an adaptation for hygiene, the condor's head and neck have few feathers, which exposes the skin to the sterilizing effects of dehydration and solar ultraviolet light at high altitudes. The skin of the head and neck is capable of flushing noticeably in response to emotional state, a capability that can serve as communication between individuals.

They are often found near cliffs or large trees, which they use as nesting sites which wards off predators of their young for the most part.

Condors also perform urohydrosis, or defecate on their legs, to reduce their body temperature.

They have been known to fly up to speeds of 90 km/h (55 mph) and as high as 4,600 meters (15,000 ft) they have a 10ft wingspan and weigh up to 30lbs, and can travel 150 miles.

there is not much you can list for this animals natural predators, and because the sheer nature and size of the bird, its eating habits, it really does not need any defense against other animals.|||The California Condor will intimidate other scavengers away from the carcase with the exception of bears which ignores them. The golden eagle would fight a condor over a corpse.|||If I'm not mistaken, I do believe vultures vomit their food if something/one bothers them while they're feeding. (I could be wrong so don't botch me!)

I know that barn owls vomit and defecate on predators as well.


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