Friday, February 3, 2012

If I am from out of state and I get selected to go to a California university, since when am I going to be considered a california resident? I am planning on buying an apartment and moving to California. If I buy an apartment, is that going to qualify me as a california resident?|||Under 24? If you're under 24, then your permanent residence is where your parents live. That means, that in order for you to become a California resident, your parents have to move to California and become residents. You're still considered a resident of whichever state your parents live if you're under 24. Also, you have to become a resident BEFORE you start getting reduced instate tuition. You can't be attending school there while still being an out of state resident and be able to claim in state tuition.

Over 24? It takes one year of living in a state (or more) to become a resident. You should get a license there, a job, start filing taxes ect. You can't be attending school there during the one year though. The year has to be sometime PRIOR to when you start university there. A state can't give you in state tuition if you're only in the state to go to college and you're from out of state.|||If you would like to be a resident faster, you need a drivers license there. I just moved to Alabama, and when my mom & sister got their licenses, they said they are now officially residents! hope it helped(:|||after a full year of living there


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