Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm planning on moving to California and I understand that the economy is getting worse, but I'm wondering how exactly would that affect me, a high school grad attempting to go to school and work in CA? Any details including ones that you may consider obvious would help!|||If you go there you might not find a job. But, then, you could get state assistance and live off those who do have a job. That would make you a "real" Californian.|||California is an expensive place to live and jobs are tough to come by. California faces very large challenges ahead you may want to plan to setup in a state with better opportunity. There are articles in the papers about people applying for a single job with 50 other applicants. Other states are not facing the same odds and do not have the stress of massive immigration weighing them down.

But if you speak spanish maybe you'll get a job!|||dont go


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