Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'm planning on moving to California and trying to become a professional actor. I'm 23 and my ultimate goal is to become a TV actor.

Every bit of advice I've gotten is pretty much the same, "You will need an agent." So what are some good agents in California that I could seek out and what work have they found, that makes them good?

I need names and why I should reach them out, and if possible, what to expect? Any advice would be VERY helpful.|||Go get a copy of the Ross Reports, it has a listing of agencies. It's impossible to list individual agents because, as an unknown, you aren't really going to get a say in the matter.

You're right you do need an agent, however unless you're SAG, you may find you have a hard time getting an agent to even give you the time of day. Remember this a business and these people see hundreds of headshots and resumes with professional experience come across their desk every day. What is going to make you stand out?

As far as what you should do, the very first thing would be to sign up for some classes. Second City, The Groundlings, Beverly Hills Playhouse, Howard Fine, Stella Adler, there are tons to choose from. Your second goal would be to become SAG. SInce it will be next to impossible to get any principal SAG work, you may have to go the voucher route and try to get in by doing extra work. Check out www.centralcasting.org

Now, no offense, but it really doesn't sound like you're ready for a move to LA, but if you're determined to go, do yourself a favor and learn as much as you can about the business. You need to really know the in's and out's, much more that you can learn asking questions here and there on a message board. Here are some suggestions for some reading material:

How to be a working actor - Mari Lyn Henry
Acting as a Business - Brian O'Neil
Working Actors Guide to Los Angeles - Kristi Callan
Actors Survival Guide: How to Make Your Way in Hollywood - Jon Robbins

Also, grab a copy of Backstage. You may decide you want to subscribe, maybe not, but it's a good resource.

  • dean and deluca
  • mgm grand
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