Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Illegal immigrants are migrating from Arizona to California now, why is that? Why is California helping law breakers? Is the state going to make them legal immigrants cause that would be great, cause then they would pay taxes like the rest of us. Last I heard, California is in a deep craphole with a huge deficit, what could they be thinking?|||I hope they continue to burn California to the ground. They already bankrupted it. As long as we don't have to bail out that worthless state to subsidize their beloved illegals I say send all of the freeloaders there|||It really isn't that complicated. If they don't welcome them they will lose the election because of the sizable hispanic votes that they would lose and the liberal votes. The politicians have to welcome them with open arms or get kicked out of office.|||California is about as left wing as you can get, plus when Obama grants amnesty, there will be millions more Democratic voters. The state is broke and unemployment is at 12.5%. Go figure.|||Because politicians in California do not care about anything except getting re elected. They feel that the more Mexicans in Calif., the more votes they will get. Just ask the racist mayor of LA.|||First off, as you stated, California is bankrupt. More immigrants, legal or no, will help bring revenue through the system. If they are made legal, that means thousands upon thousands of new sources for governmental revenue through taxes. Secondly, California has a very large hispanic population. Hence, lawmakers will cater to them, at least somewhat, in order to retain their seats. It is a simple game of politics influencing California's decision.|||in the coming weeks california especially san Francisco will be flooded with hispanic illegals from arizona,get use to it .your limp wristed liberals have no intention of curtailing it. your problem stems from allowing hispanics to run in elections and the voting places allowing anyone to vote without being properly vetted.|||Look who we have leading/speaking for Calif...pelosi, boxer.....the mayor of LA...his parents came from mexico....


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