Friday, February 3, 2012

Is this liberal madness or what paying illegal medical bills food stamps housing and not paying their bills how much longer can California exist i know they will be coming to us taxpayers in the other states to bail them out should we?|||This is where the current system fails everyone. If states were in power here, California would have to deal with its own problems. What will happen now, is all the other states, thru the fed government, will bail out CA and all the other states that cannot manage their money.

Succeed or fail on your own. CA's determination to suck up to illegals should NOT be my problem!|||sooner or later these people need to wake up and look at the facts in front of them, I do not see how anyone cannot see why this state and many others are in debt. It is amazing to see the excuses they try to portray as the problem when it is right in front of them. Sadly, this is not the only state that is affected. They are a problem in every state and need deported as soon as possible.|||NO, we will have to bail out our own states when the illegals leave California and come here for benefits. I think all of them came from Arizona and Oklahoma and settled in Texas. Sadly we have lots of immigration lawyers that help them get signed up for all the benefits.|||And it would appear it is going to be this way for a couple of years to boot.

Love those illegal aliens don't cha?|||The illigals are paid from the Federal budget not the state budget. It is money given to the state specificcally for this purpose. A grea piece of legislation passed by the Democraticaly run house and senate.
Obama will let the sate fail then bail them out just like the auto company. He wants the powers of states to deminish so he can have total control. He will bail out California and then take charge and put inplace one of him Happy crowd so its under direct control of him.
He wants to control the states forget abotu having a governor the governer will be Obama. People voted for this sorry those who voted for Obama didnt see this.. they saw thier mortgages being payed gas in the thier cars... CHANGE>>> oh yes CHange. to one state one governor, Change I give you change... I will take all your dollars and leave you with just the change in your pockets. .
Wait until cao and trade... Anthing thing produce from food to clothes to gasolene, it will e ht by a 25% carbon tax.... so its 25% more expensive.. so then when they are sole n to next stage of processing another 25% carbon tax... then transportation another 25% sold in the store 25% tax o the store ...
see where this is going.. ok...... take your shoes....
so shoe that cost 5 dollars intotal to make...25% carbon tax now cost.... $6.25... Normally sold at 3 dollars profit to store... so item now $9.25.... instead of $8... Now stores normally sell at 100% profit due to overheads but have to had 25% for carbon tax... they use electricity to heat and light store. also have to pay 25% extra in electricty due to electricty company carbon emmisions tax.. Shoes now cost
so our shoes which normally would have been $16 are now $23.13
WOW eh...... jsut for a simple pair of shoes... Imagine that for a car..
Obama is also toying with VAT value added tax... a tax used in England... Its a tax of about 7% at each stage of manuacturing and sales which taxes the value of a product... So 7% more at each stage.... sit and work it out... Our 16 dollar shooes are now.... $26.45 approx... great eh... Thanks Obama... Now think about the cost of a TV a car food...... Thanks Obama....|||I don't know if what you say is true. However, I will point out that the Governor of California is a Conservative Republican, not a liberal.


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